TE#6 Types of Arduino Boards

There are many types of Arduino boards, but how do I know how to use each one?. In this post, I’m going to talk about the most famous Arduino boards and how to use each one. The most famous boards are UNO, Nano, Due, and Mega.

The Arduino UNO is the most popular board and is the most beginner-friendly board with 32kb of flash memory where you can store the code. This medium-sized board is mostly used in projects with smaller space and smaller memory capacity. For more information about the UNO use this link. https://www.elprocus.com/what-is-arduino-uno-r3-pin-diagram-specification-and-applications/

Arduino Uno (R3)

Now for the smallest Arduino of all the Nano. The nano is very similar to the UNO but the nano has to vary different uses that the Arduino UNO has a problem doing. Also, the Nano is made more for projects from reading a sensor, for example, an ultrasonic sensor that activates the nano codes every time something moves like a door. There are many varieties of reading sensors so this Arduino can be used with a lot of projects. More information https://www.elprocus.com/an-overview-of-arduino-nano-board/

Arduino Nano

Arduino Dues is bigger than the UNO but smaller than the MEGA it’s used when you need fast processing. Since the processor is bigger and faster it’s used in projects when you need a more precise response time. Let’s take for example the door again if you are using the Arduino for security reasons the Due is the way to go since it will instantly do the code, unlike the nano which might take a bit longer depending on what you want to do. Since it’s also big thanks to ist processors, it’s not very likely to be used in small projects like an RC car.

Arduino Due

Now for the biggest of them all Arduino Mega. All the other Arduinos are very good and all of them have their own unique uses but sometimes you need that push. That’s when the Arduino mega comes into play, thanks to the voltage it can emit this is your go-to board when you are making mega projects. This is board is for projects that take a lot more to do than other boards with much higher voltage, space, and other things this makes it ideal for things the other boards can’t handle. More informationhttps://www.elprocus.com/arduino-mega-2560-board/

Arduino Mega (R3) Board

Which project would you make with these Arduino boards?

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